We tobacco control, health promotion advocates and for the general wellbeing of humanity in Kenya, urge the Ministry of Health to BAN LYFT NICOTINE POUCHES.
We are convinced that these products were illegally allowed into the Kenyan market and that PPB contravened the law. We applaud your swift action that saw the withdrawal of these products from the market. We are, however, concerned that BAT is still committed to having these products sold in the Kenyan market. A recent publication by The Bureau clearly indicated that BAT deliberately targeted young people[1] with its ADDICTIVE NICOTINE POUCHES and in an attempt to cover up or kill this story, the giant tobacco manufacturer attempted to bribe one of the journalists[2] through their PR agency. As health advocates in the country, we find this trend to be very disturbing. It is a trend that will easily undo the gains the country has worked hard and rightly gained in the fight against tobacco use. As you may be aware, Kenya was among the first countries to sign and ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) in 2004 and has always been ranked among the regional and global leaders in tobacco control.
“We have been informed by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board that your Ministry has requested for information concerning LYFT and its regulation”
Excerpt from The British American Tobacco letter dated February 28th 2021 to the Ministry of Health responding on behalf of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board Kenya.

[1] https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2021-02-21/new-products-old-tricks-concerns-big-tobacco-is-targeting-youngsters
[2] https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2021-02-21/bats-pr-agency-tried-to-bribe-bureaus-kenyan-reporter