Building Champions in Tobacco Control
Advocating for Strong Tobacco Control Policies

Who We Are

We are a Tobacco Control and Health Promotion Alliance, that promotes “Health for All”. We bring together CSOs supporting tobacco control and health promotion in Kenya and beyond.


We aspire to inspire action and social change through our varied programs under our five key thematic areas of health rights and policy advocacy, research, trade and economy, and agriculture.

Evidence-based advocacy is core to our push for effective policies for tobacco control and health promotion.
We believe in developing competencies and skills for effective and sustainable tobacco control and health promotion advocacy.
One of our key mandates is to coordinate CSO’s advancing the tobacco control agenda in the country and to promote collaboration with key state actors.
Public education and awareness is key to the mitigation of the deadly effects that result from tobacco use and exposure.

Kudos to @MOH_Kenya for the timely gazetting of the graphic health warnings under the Tobacco Control Act! This is a significant win . Your commitment to safeguarding public health is commendable!

#TobaccoControlKE #PublicHealthWin

True wellness blooms when we nourish with intention, move with joy, and rest with reverence. Remember: the greatest vitality lies not in perfection, but in the courage to grow through every season of your being #MondayMotivation

This Valentine’s Day, Choose Love, Not Addiction.
Love should be uplifting, not destructive. Break free from addiction and embrace a healthier tomorrow.


This Valentine’s Day, Break Up with Tobacco, Not Your Heart.
Show love to yourself and your loved ones by choosing a healthier life. Say no to tobacco and nicotine products today.


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Join a growing movement of people around Kenya who are working to keep their local communities safe from the harmful effects of tobacco.